Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's getting hot in here! (so hot!)


DH and I did our first hot yoga class last night!!  And I lived!!!  I only started to black out once for a teeny bit - totally better than my previous hot yoga experiences.  Oh man - DH totally soaked his clothing and his towels.  Boys SWEAT.  I have them all hanging out on the line before I bring them in to wash, just due to the extreme wetness. 

We didn't start Monday as planned because the GF brownies I made as dessert to our father's day extravaganza (both DH's family and my Dad came over!) kept me up half the night!  I couldn't face waking up at 5:45am Monday morning, so we pushed it off to today.

But I am kinda tired now - hope I make it through work ok.  I couldn't really find much about hot yoga and fertility on the Internet, so I have decided that it will be ok to do it for 2 weeks.  I prob won't do it next cycle - or if I do, maybe just once or twice.  After these intro sessions, the cost becomes slightly insane to me (call me el cheapo).

Yesterday I was sooo tired and lazy feeling all day.  Not a great Monday, as far as Mondays go (probably influenced by the wine I had at dinner - not a ton, but still it makes the next day run less smoothly).  I did force myself to go to the work gym, that was probably good.  And my arms are hurting from the 'you are your o.wn gym' on Sunday - surprisingly, since I did it sort of half-a$$ed.  Also, all this running and whatnot have made me starving, so I have been into the work vending machine chips!  Nicht gut!  Thsi is when running can actually make you fatter.  :(

I will say my TEBB was improved this cycle - just a bit of it.  I would prefer if it continued in this direction!  :)


  1. I know what you mean about the running and increased appetite. Is it bad that sometimes I run an extra mile so I am able to have dessert that night?!?!?!?

  2. good for you with doing HOT yoga...I did it and nearly died.

  3. You're a brave girl! Hot yoga during a heat wave is nuts!!!!

    Great seeing you this weekend! I'm gonna start that kombucha this weekend. It's gonna be so tasty!


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