Friday, February 8, 2013

Bras and Ribs

31 weeks, 2 days

Last week while cleaning out a drawer, what did turn up but some old lysee money from my birthday over the summer!   Always good to turn up money - and being old, it is now even luckier.  AND, I have to spend it on myself.  That's the rules.

So I went on a little shopping trip!

I decided to overcome my fear of high end lingerie shops.  Not the silly ones in the mall, a real old-school shop is near my house.  With stern old ladies to fit your bra!

See, my bras have slowly become woefully inadequate.  Like, I could barely do it up.  So it was time to bit the bullet and get a new one for the next ~2 months or so, even it seems like a waste of money.  I want to keep the girls perky!

I walked in, and it was crammed with bras of all shapes and sizes.  Well, that's good to know!  My usual size is super small, and the mall bra shops often neglect us type of ladies - no boobies left behind here.

Then I saw a few price tags dangling.  Um - $145 for a bra?  You for real?

I asked about nursing bras, thinking I might as well kill two birds with one stone and buy a bra that could maybe suit for both now and after the birth - even though they say not to buy a nursing bra until your milk comes in.

The (stern) lady came right with me into the dressing room!  Yikes.  But they are real bra fitters, I suppose it makes sense they need to see how things are going.

The long and short of it is that none of their ($75!) nursing bras fit, I ended up with a regular bra, just much bigger than my old one.  She had me trying on 38s at one point!  Are you kidding me?  I've been a 34 since grade seven!

I was pretty shocked at that.  She felt around me and said "Looks like you're a 38.  What are you normally, a 34?".  Who is this sage?

And why the heck is my band size going up?  And my ribs hurt sometimes?  I mean, sure I'm gaining weight, but ribs are ribs, non?  Well, turns out that's just how it is in 3rd trimester - ribs expand a bit to fit the baby.  Ok!  It's just a minor discomfort, no biggie.

I got out of there in a 36 (see, 38 was out of control), one cup size up.  Waaaay more comfortable than my old bras (which are all the same).  It was about fifty dollars - so, a definite splurge, but not as bad as it could have been.

I'm still loving being pg, so this was all part of the fun adventure.  Sorry I've been a bit of an absentee blogger lately - our minor renos have started (if we are FB friends, you can check out my IRL blog from there!)


  1. I love my bra lady! It amazes how she knows what will fit by just looking at me! But I do agree that it's weird when she's in the change room. A little too close for comfort while she's feeling me up!

  2. Wow, the body changes are amazing! I'm still just in the beginning, but I already notice certain things. So cool.
    I need a good bra lady! I know I'm bigger, but I've been putting off getting anything. Seems like a great investment though, for comfort and for looking good :-)
    Glad everything is going well!!

  3. I hear ya!! I went from a 36c to a (ready....) 38DD...I was shocked!!


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