Saturday, October 19, 2013

Baptism gown recommendation?

Hello! This is just a quick note tonight! Things are going really well, I'm enjoying our baby very much.
Question - Pippa's baptism is coming up, and I remember reading some blog posts where yall had beautiful gowns for the babies. Any tips? There are a lot of Greek stores around here, but I am picturing something more simple.thx!

1 comment:

  1. I had JB's baptism gown custom made by Marianne at . It was pricey, but we've used it for M&M's baptism also (and any other babies, God willing). It is a heirloom that will get passed down, so we were ok with the cost. After we had it made, she decided to offer it at a much higher price (JB's actual gown is shown as the Hail Mary Christening Gown for Boys). I see that they have one for girls on clearance. Still, it is a little pricey, but I'm glad we did it.


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