Friday, October 24, 2014

Ninja baby gender reveal

It's going to be a ....


Hooray!  We kind of wanted a boy for #2.  :)  We're so blessed!

And I get to decorate a nursery in nautical theme, a silly dream of mine for years.  :)

Let's see if we can actually have that happen before he comes?  I am doubting it.  ;)

I was a bit nervous about changing a boy's diaper (I had only ever baby sat girls), but I've been assured it's no big deal.

Now I need a few new unisex cloth diapers to replace some outrageously girlie ones we have.  DH is against this, he doesn't think it matters - but we're only talking about a couple of diapers here, and I do think it matters! (even if it's just to me)



Appleseed grows

Lilypie Maternity tickers