All preggo signs have ceased. No more heartburn, no more crying or drama, no more tiredness. (Yesterday I finally woke up and realized I have such a nice DH, to try and look on the bright side - aka, my mood got better. The days before those thoughts just didn't hold water, all I could think was "boohoo".) BUT, here is my crazy-talk for today:
(warning TMI coming)
I think I was preggo for like 2-3 days, and then it was done. Today there was a huge gross red "tissue like" mass when I wiped today. I have never seen such a thing. Like, huge. Like 1/3 or 1/4 of a golf ball. (Sorry. I warned you.)
- Sperm was no good
- Egg was no good
- Embryo was no good
- Environment was no good
So.... either I needed maybe progesterone or something else and didn't get it (or it got something it didn't want - infection?), environment was unsuitable, bye bye baby. In which case I should go see a Napro doc. (Or the magic of endo - yes, as I am here with my VERY OUCHY AF, endo comes to mind again... - in which case I should see a Napro doc.)
Or - this was just my first miscarriage. No harm, no foul. One in four, right? This way I didn't ever really know, so I couldn't be so anguished. In that case - we keep trying naturally, and in a month or two, visit Dr A again for IUI with Clo.mid. Chances will then be 40%.
I will go in tomorrow for my "BFN test", just so maybe Nurse Cheese can say something mean to me, to brighten my Friday.
Either way, next month is "off". No counting or anything. I think my poor husband needs a break from everything so scheduled as well. We see Dr Nora mid-month, I can ask her for a referral to a Napro doc at that time if that's how we're going to go.