My first wanding was today of this IUI #1 cycle. It felt so strange - I didn't know what to do.
And it was the not-as-good nurse, she had the monitor turned, I couldn't see the wee follicles.
But wee it was not - 17.6mm. CD10! Ayyiyi! I am 'normally' a later ovulator. (I was expecting it'd be like 9mm). Although obviously my 'normal' has shifted quite a bit since the TCM herbs are out of my system. I wonder if the last few months have made my cycle better or not? Certainly earlier... and longer, which is good. Although this will be a killer 2WW.
And I made sure to ask for my hormone levels this time!
Estrogen 243 (um...either I am heading to ovulate <CD15, or I am slightly too high? but with such a huge follicle, it seems like ovulation <CD15 is likely)
LH 4.3 (not surging yet)
Progesterone 2.0 (fine at this time, I should think)
FSH 3.6 (umm... ok?)
I am to go in Wednesday for my next wanding. If the wee follicle grows 2mm/day, I'll already be at 22mm on Wedneday! Good. I wonder what the second-best one is up to!?!?
I wish I could give you an analysis of your numbers, but I've been out of that game for so long, I wouldn't trust myself. Just know that I am here, cheering you and your lovely follicle on!
Praying for a successful LH surge very soon! Grow, follie, grow! Keep us updated!