Monday, November 19, 2012

The sexy ultrasound edition.

19 weeks, 5 days!

Today was the sexy ultrasound!!!  By that I mean - she could determine the Appleseed's sex!

I was rather nervous and excited all morning.  I was sort of freaking about drinking 1.5 litres of water and then not peeing.  Like, I use the ladies room every hour or on earth was I going to be able to do this!?!?

And I was a bit worried about birth defects.  We skipped the down's syndrome blood test (on purpose, but...), so I was hoping we'd see a healthy little Appleseed in there.

Everything looked good, all the bits and pieces in the right order.  Phew!  I made sure to ask to confirm Appleseed had a four chambered heart, after reading this informative website.

And now what you've been waiting for........


Wow.  Our little Appleseed-ette!  I almost cried in the ultrasound office!  Suddenly it is so much more real - I'm having a little girl!  Yikes!  Wowzas!  So exciting!!!!

I've been accidentally slipping in a 'she' here and there, and then correcting myself - but I was right!  I had a dream last night Appleseed was a boy - but I was wrong!  Hah.

Appleseed is measuring just 2 days shy of average for 19 wks 5 days - maybe really I ought to be due on April 13th instead of April 10th, I am thinking.  If I am lucky enough to make it that far, I won't stress about being overdue until maybe a week or so after that, then.  The 23rd.  :)

BUT, Appleseed's legs are measuring a bit later - aka, she is 'tall'!  Wow!  Well, a tiny bit tall.  Cool, right?

There was this cool moment when the tech (who turned out to be from my home town) wasn't moving the ultrasound wand and we were just looking at Appleseed - she looked so chill in there.  She had one legged crossed over the other, and she was sucking her fingers - just hanging out, having a nice afternoon!  Love it!

Oh, and I just realised I have not yet updated the final decision:  I am not going to Vietnam.  I don't really think Appleseed would have been in any danger, but this just seemed...easiest.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Appleseed Mix

18 weeks, 5 days

Sorry I've been away from blogland so much lately.  November is really tough - I feel as if when I'm typing I should be writing my darn novel [have you heard about NaNoWriMo?  It is super fun.].  (see sidebar - so far I'm doing ok for wordcount, but it is a constant struggle!)

So here is a short story:  My bosslady was telling me they picked four classical songs to play over and over while her twins were still growing in her tummy.  She said they particularly like 'Flight of the bumble bee', and as they got older they would kick in time to the music when they played it.  They even skyped with her Dad (who is back in the old country) who could see the kicks to the music.

After they were born, she said if they played the song, the babies would go crazy, kind of dancing in their crib to the music.

I think that is all super cute.  So DH and I have made an Appleseed mix, to likewise encourage the enjoyment of music by the Appleseed.  We have five songs, not four, but the idea is the same.  She said it has to be a short playlist and all classical - which again I stretch a tiny bit.  She also said the other three songs they had no clear reaction to, so it really was their preference.  Cool, right?

Without further ado, the Appleseed Mix!

Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite 

I've always loved the Nutcracker Suite - it is nice now as Christmas is sort of on the way.  Will I still be able to stomach it in March? 

Ravel's Bolero

This has a strong melody that just keeps repeating - perhaps good for young brains? 

Bach's Tocatta in Fugue in D  

Have I mentioned my Dad is an organist?  This is my favourite song to hear.  Yes, I'm not too original, this is like the most famous organ piece.  Listen past the first few bars (the "scary organ music") and it is actually quite pretty.  Ok, Ok, I only had the MP3 of some weird violin version, but maybe I'll get an organ version soon!

 Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King 

I've thought this was a really great piece of music since I was a kid. Maybe therefore Appleseed with think so too?  I always thought it was Mountain LION King though.  Hrmmm.   Anyway, same deal with a simple melody that repeats.

Mason William's Classical Gas

This is where I stretch the classical music thing a little.  Classical Gas is not the same as classical music.  But am I the only hippie here, or is this song just sort of groovy?  It really gets you tappin' your foot along.

Appleseed grows

Lilypie Maternity tickers