Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gluten Free, Dairy free flourless chocolate cake!


So while at the grocery store today I saw a chocolate cake mix, and I was like I WANT TO HAVE CHOCOLATE CAKE, but obvi cake from a mix isn't how I roll, so I whipped up this baby for desert tonight (we had company):

It was FANtastic.  AND, I got to eat it with vanilla goat-ice cream.  Double yum!!!  I am sometimes a very lucky girl.  :)

The website mentioned above it sorta cool - me being plagued with bad skin.  I've never cooked with Agave syrup before - I feel very ... well... haha, self-satisfied that the cake won't make my blood sugar go all nuts.  (JB - you can make this - just use egg replacer and you're home free!)

Ironically, the salad we ate with dinner will probably make my blood sugar go nuts tonight.  I thought asking our friends to bring a salad was the safest thing, with my cow dairy issues and gluten avoidance.  But hahah, they brought a (really good) salad that has instant noodles and SUGAR in it!  hahah.  I mean, I loved it and had seconds, but.. hahah - really?  Sugar?!?  And it's not like a teaspoon, it's like half a cup.

I'm such a nutrition snob.  She had a Cok.e Z.ero and she's still breastfeeding, but I'm just sayin'.


  1. That cake sounds delish! Thank you - I will definitely try it!

    Sorry to hear about the salad...sometimes you just can't win.

    I hear you on the nutrition snob thing - so hard to know so much and to see others who know so little be so fertile. WTF?


  2. We went to a dinner party last night and there was sugar in the salad dressing too! WTF? I didn't have much, but I kept thinking "how weird!" I made gf brownies for dessert, but I cheated with a mix (not that I told anyone!).

    It's okay to be a nutrition snob! I'm one too! We might be IF, but we're healthy, right?

  3. Hahaha, I would have never expected a Salad with sugar in it :) It makes you wonder sometimes when you see what others eat!!!

    Did you know they have gluten free cake mixes at the grocery store.....they are not that bad!!!

  4. Yes, I know - Annie's chocolate GF cake mix is actually SUPER good (my Aunt makes it) - but I like to kick it from scratch, in general. It's also cheaper - those puppies are $$$!


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