Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Well, look who it is....

Our old friend AF.

Ok, so I guess it is time to focus on getting in shape/pH/IUI.  (sigh)
Even though I kind of expected her, I'm still... I don't know, feeling a bit off right now.  You know.

Anyone have any good fertility clinic suggestions in the GTA?
Dr T recommended one, the Hannam clinic.


  1. Hmmmmm. CS, we live close to one another - did you know that?

    I'm curious to know if we might be at the same wellness centre for acupuncture and so on...

    In the meantime...I have heard both and bad about the Hannam clinic, and it's so hard to know - what might work well for one person won't necessarily work for another with a different diagnosis...have you checked out I would recommend consulting with 2-3 REs at first - I wish I'd done that way back when I was your age (now I sound like a really old lady, don't I? sigh. I guess I am.)


  2. P.S. I'm really sorry about AF coming...(I got distracted with the other stuff and forgot to say...). Hey, e-mail me if you want info on Energy Man - he comes to town about once a month.

  3. I used Dr. Ki Lie, he did my IUI and he was fantastic, I would try him he's on bay street. I remember you saying that IVF was something you were not really wanting to do, so he may just be perfect for you because he only does IUI's.

  4. You can try looking into tishi's fertility doc (sounds like he knows what he is doing, hopefully tishi does not mind i suggested that.

    My fertlity doc/clinic sucks BIG TIME so forget about them: IVF!

    Yeah AF sucks when you don't want her to come at all!

    hang in there!

  5. Stupid AF!!!

    I don't have any clinic recommendations, but the doctor I see is great. If you want the info just send me an email.

  6. I can't help with the doctor or clinic stuff as I am in Chicago, but I can relate to AF showing her ugly face when you least want her...even if you're expecting her.

    Also, I tagged your blog for an award...see my blog!

  7. Boo about AF turning up :( Have also tagged your blog for an award!


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